The 29th March 2019 represented a milestone in the UK. It was the deadline for consumers and caterers alike to contribute to the DEFRA and FSA consultation on improvements to allergen labelling as well as reporting near misses.
Allergen Accreditation contributed to this consultation and liaised with a leading allergen consumer group. This group offered vital contributory comments as well as a wider outlook on the state of customer services to those affected by allergy and intolerance.
Currently the Industry Standard is to ensure all PPDS (Pre- Packed for Direct Sale- sandwiches, salad pots, prepared snacks and the like for sale on the site of preparation) ARE labelled with: name/ description, allergen contents and the use by date. Plus any other company information.
Following the DEFRA review the focus now is far all businesses to provide labels with Full Ingredient Listings.
This will come with many challenges and food businesses may now already be considering outsourcing these products to a third party supplier- who meet with standard manufacturing labelling systems and procedures.
What was evident from the consumer group is that people can be allergic to many more ingredients outside of the TOP 14 allergens as per the EU and domestic legal list.
Between now and any formal announcement (and potential launch date) for enhanced regulation on labelling for PPDS, Allergen Accredited members will continue to: Label all products accordingly, ensure full allergen and ingredient information is available for any enquiring consumers, signpost consumers to the appointed Allergen Advisor, on duty and explore labelling and management systems in preparation of this new regulation.
Once the formal notices on new regulations are available these will be issued to members with a guidance note and a Document Control measure to ensure these have been applied to your business, as part of continued Accreditation status.
More Information here: