Meoncross School Accredited

Meoncross School

Burnt House Lane




PO14 2EF

Meoncross School is part of the Cognita Group. The catering department at Meoncross’ is an in-house operation and the only school within the Cognita Group operating this way.

The school caters for pupils from two and a half up to sixteen, it is compulsory for all pupils in the lower school to eat lunch the upper school runs a cashless system and has about a 70% uptake on school lunches.

The catering department runs a senior breakfast club, a morning tuck shop for juniors and seniors, the lunch service runs a plated service for the nursery and infant department, juniors have a three-choice menu whilst the seniors have a cafeteria style service there is also a function work.

The catering operation has a team of 9. The menus are developed using government guidelines whilst taking the pupils input into consideration. Approximately 85% of the food prepared using fresh, and where possible, local ingredients.

The kitchen team, led by Deborah Davis, have all undergone extensive training and were able to demonstrate outstanding technical and professional ability when managing allergens safely across the business.

Julian Edwards, ceo of Allergen Accreditation commented: "It was especially impressive to evidence the dialogue between staff in the kitchen who check each others work when it came to special diet planning for particular hypersensitive customers."

Congratulations to all the kitchen and school team!

